Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NSubstitute

Total dependencies: 144

A package containing helper classes and framework to implement web ui testing using selenium. It also has helper classes to enable Autofac injection with any test framework.
This library is used to more easily test applications that has used the ConfluentKafkaAspNetAdapter.
Package that smoothes some generic unit testing
Package Description
Package Description
Common test code
Helper classes to test Sitecote API using NSubstitute.
A mocking framework capable of mocking .NET and .NET Core static methods
Package Description
Testing utilities for .Net code of Midnight-Lizard
Amazon Kinesis Client modified to target .Net Standard 2.0. Forked from
Package Description
This package is intended for use with the Prism WPF Templates found on Visual Studio Gallery. (Though you are free to use it wherever you like.) Contains a ViewModelBase for Prism that will tell you if you are in Design Mode or not. (Copied from MVVM Light) Contains some Prism and Unit...