Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NSubstitute

Total dependencies: 144

Proactive NetStandard testing meta-package.
AutoSitecore is a customization of AutoFixture for creating NSubstitute Sitecore Items.
Extensions and helpers for NSubstitute
Simple full-featured automocking framework
Unit test stack with Xunit, AutoFixture, NSubstitute and some helpers
Provides simple F# syntax for NSubstitute
Collection of test tools and libraries. Collection of test tools and references to other packages and libraries that I use for my test cases.
Utils for tests
General testing tools for projects
Data generator class for tests.
Special remix of the Any library with older versions of some dependencies for .net 4.5
Extension to Any library that allows generation of pre-canned substitutes using NSubstitute
Simple automocking for unit tests
Glue for .NET and Web applications
Framework to help Creating Autodata when unit testing Sitecore
This package includes a helper for Nsubstitute. This is developed based on our teams need and we will add to it as we continue using NSubstitute.
Testing Extensions