Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NSubstitute

Total dependencies: 144

System Under Test creation helper for NSubstitute
Ninstance creates test instances for your classes without you having to care about the constructor signature, so you can change dependencies without having to fix hundreds of tests, or passing substitutes that don't affect behaviour
[NSUBSTITUTE] .NET C#: Arrange Context is a simple Tool to automatically initialize your system-under-test with mocked instances.
Create instances of classes for unit tests with dependencies automatically substituted.
A tool to simplify testing of classes with dependencies through constructor. Dependencies are created using NSubstitute.
a library for bridging between NSubstitute and FluentAssertions
Provides NSubstitute for Microsoft.Extenstions.Logging.ILogger that can be use with .Received()
Package Description
Package Description
Extensions on Ilogger for unit testing: Matching arguments and non matching arguments
Test base class using NSubstitute for NUnit tests that lets you skip all the boring setup
Package Description
Some helping base classes, for easier test setup. Using NSubstitute