Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Package Description
Json.NET functionality for Dapplo.HttpExtensions
F# computation expression builder for System.Threading.Tasks
Publish messages with Message Context and witrh Message Context Forwarding.
Extension classes for fluently registration of RawRabbit in ServiceCollection.
Enrich the BusClient with SubscribeAsync, used for message consume.
This package includes .NET Standard code only helpers such as: - IncrementalLoadingCollection: Simplifies the definition and usage of collections whose items can be loaded incrementally only when needed by the view. - String extensions and array extensions: These extensions make working ...
ZXing.Net Bindings for SkiaSharp - use SkiaSharp with ZXing.Net for barcode reading
This client library enables working with the Microsoft Azure Storage Queue service for storing messages that may be accessed by a client. For this release see notes - and
Adds the execution capabilities for SqlKata
Package Description
Please note, a newer package Azure.Messaging.EventGrid is available as of March 2021. While this package will continue to receive critical bug fixes, we strongly encourage you to upgrade. Read the migration guide at for more details.
Premium data set for generating movies and TV shows. Movie titles, tag lines, genres, and trailer links. Sample data used in this library is used with permission from TMDb:
Exif metadata modification library.
qBittorrent remote API client library
This is not the recommended package for working with Lifesciences, please use the Google.Cloud.LifeSciences.V2Beta package. This Google APIs Client Library for working with Lifesciences v2beta uses older code generation, and is harder to use. Product documentation is available at: ...
Google APIs Client Library for working with Recommender v1beta1. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
This is not the recommended package for working with Binaryauthorization, please use the Google.Cloud.BinaryAuthorization.V1 package. This Google APIs Client Library for working with Binaryauthorization v1 uses older code generation, and is harder to use. Product documentation is availa...
Google APIs Client Library for working with Managedidentities v1beta1. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
Google APIs Client Library for working with Managedidentities v1alpha1. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at: