Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Mono.Cecil

Total dependencies: 220

Machine.Specifications (MSpec) adapter for .NET Framework and .NET Core including dotnet cli (dotnet test), Visual Studio IDE, TFS, Visual Studio Online, Visual Studio Team Services.
OpenRiaServices.T4 provides the CSharpClientCodeGenerator class, as well as many supporting classes, which can be used to override the existing code generation pattern for RIA Services.
.NET sandboxing framework: rewrites other assemblies to ensure they can't bring down the hosting process.
engenious content pipeline for content compilation and similar content related things.
Library for building deployment scripts for the NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql package
Ergonomic Testing for .NET
Code generator for wrapping existing controls to be able to use them in Fabulous-based frameworks
C# Version of ArchUnit (see:
FAKE - F# Make - is a build automation tool for .NET. Tasks and dependencies are specified in a DSL which is integrated in F#.
An installation and update framework for Windows applications
An installation and update framework for Windows applicationss (with customizations made by CP-PRO Brasil)
Helper for Noksa.NUnit.Allure package. Added net.core support
Core library for exposing a web service through Pomona.
Command line tool that post processes XML documentation files to support an <inheritdoc /> tag allowing inheriting XML comments from base types, interfaces, and similar methods. Works with .NET Framework, .NET Standard, and .NET Core projects. See the separate InheritDocLib NuGet package for a progr...
DotNet Framework and Core Helpers for Desktop
C# to JavaScript compiler-as-a-service 🚀
MiniCover code coverage measurement core implementation
Minicover reports implementation