Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Mono.Cecil

Total dependencies: 220

An installation and update framework for Windows applications
A Fody/Mono.Cecil wrapper that provides most basic IL code weaving helpers.
AFL for Umbraco
This is a fork following the Coverlet project but only building and packaging the Coverlet.Core aspect. COMES AS IS - NO GUARANTEES - API CAN CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
A Powerful MiNET Plugin API - Making it easier for multiple plugins to work together nicely.
An installation and update framework for Windows applications based on Squirrel.Windows
An installation and update framework for Windows applications, adapted for Weingartner.
Package Description
Sasa's IL rewriter.
Dolittle is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
Create delegate from C# expression without loading additional assembly in AppDomain.
A fluent API for .Net Standard that can enforce architectural rules in unit tests.
Turing Machine is a Fuzzer developed in Net Standard that allows to fuzz any type of applications or libraries, focused on .Net Framework, Dotnet Core and Net Standard applications.
It is extented of mono.ceil,the coding style is similar to system.type;Simplified use is simpler and has less code. It can be easily used in IL without additional type conversion.Extending and encapsulating the ILProcessor makes it easier to write IL For examples: TypeReferenceEx type = TypeRef...
PSA: Sorry I'm no longer working on this project any more. But Erhan has given it a new home, so if you'd like to contribute and help him revive it, go and check it out at SheepAspect is an AOP framework for .Net platform that is heavily inspired by AspectJ. It statica...