Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MongoDB.Driver

Total dependencies: 1464

A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core Identity framework.
A simple package to provide repository like services
This library is designed for generic architecture based on mongodb. It can be used relationally because it has mapping feature. So, can make relational queries with defined rules.
Provides concrete repositories to access to MongoDB.
Pacote para efetuar conexão com o MongoDB
Simple MongoDB versioning & migrations
Automation Framework
Package Description
Package Description
MongoDb Event Listeners
The bot filesystem - MongoDB Wrapper
A MongoDB helper based on MongoDB C# driver library.
Data Model for GDS Smoker App, based on MongoDB
Abstracted context around the MongoDB.Driver to handle ping and reduce number of required clients according to the optimal patterns noted on MongoDB web sites.
A CRUD operation repository for mongo base on MongoDB.Driver
Package Description
Package Description
A core library for managing MongoDB databases from a .NET application.
Adds Mongo support to BuddyAPI