Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MongoDB.Driver

Total dependencies: 1464

Foundation to access MongoDB
WebJobs/Azure Functions trigger providing reading and writing MongoDB documents directly to your functions
An experimental Rapid Prototype Development Framework in c#/.net core.
Common Abstract Mongodb Service use MongoDB.Driver
Provides basic bindigs for MongoDB
Automatically add singletons for mongo collections in a .NET Core web app.
Dolittle is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core 2 Identity framework. Upgrade / to netcore2
MongoDB Tools
A common MongoDB helper based on MongoDB.Driver.
MongoDB Helper
Abstract MongoDB repository base class.
Package Description
Package Description
MongoDb repository plugin for CommandsAndEvents
MongoDB .NET driver conventions for common scenarios
Package Description
Common MR Api tools