Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MongoDB.Driver

Total dependencies: 1464

ProSkive library for usage with MongoDB
ProSkive library for usage with MongoDB
This pack is Mongo Implementation
Provider for MongoDB in Chakra.Core framework
Package Description
MongoDB repository implementation for .net core.
Extensions for Mongo DB.
E.F.F.C Frame Resource MongoDB Lib
"In memory" edition of MongoDb sitting on the MongoDb.Drivers 2.5 package.
Date only library, similar to C# native DateTime but only Date with no time. This library uses Julian Day number for date calculations. This library is intended to be simple to use solution to lack of Date only type in C#.
.Net standard librabry for mongodb helper classes
MongoDB.Fake is an in-memory implementation of IMongoClient, IMongoDatabase and IMongoCollection for unit test purposes.
MongoUnitOfWork is an extensible library which implements the Unit of Work pattern on top of the Official MongoDB C# driver. It also supports multi-document transactions using two-phase commit as described in MongoDB documentation.
Package Description
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
Distributed background job processing framework for .NET
A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core 2 Identity framework.
A port of the python Arctic library to DotNet
MongoDB integration nodes for EtlLib: A simple ETL framework for .NET.
Mongo connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.