Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Azure Configuration Manager

Total dependencies: 290

This library provide implementation for supporting I/O to Azure Blob Storage.
Application Insights Azure Modules. This package provides additional application insights functionality when operating a site or service within Windows Azure.
This package includes a new backend for Downlink to support artifacts stored in Azure Blob Storage.
Webhooks for Azure ServiceStack services
This project allows you to create Lucene Indexes via a Lucene Directory object which uses Windows Azure BlobStorage for persistent storage.
has some MPS utilties
Webhooks for Azure ServiceStack services
Event store implementation for use with Astro.CQRS
A light-weight ASP.Net MVC Library for posting files to IIS & Azure Storage
[S2] Azure utility library
DALs.Core gives a lightweight, flexible and mockable interface for database sproc access, resutful calls and more.
Anubus is Nimbus, but just rolled forward to support the latest Azure Service Bus client. Since the Windows Service Bus, and it's client API, is only released when Windows Server is released, it lags far behind the Azure Service Bus and client API that is released much more often. Anubus drops Wind...
Azure tables Helper
A lightweight wrapper around Azure Service Bus.
Used internally in MeterVue by I+P Services