Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Azure Configuration Manager

Total dependencies: 290

DocumentDB repository pattern overlord.
Fully asynchronous Messaging Framework used to abstract away the low-level workings of Azure ServiceBus topics.
Azure Encryption Extensions is a simple library designed to streamline the work required to encrypt data stored in Azure Blob Storage. Data is encrypted on-the-fly as it is uploaded to Azure, and decrypted as it is downloaded. Unencrypted data never leaves your machine and you can manage your keys h...
Package Description
Allows the NLog XML configuration to be stored in an Azure Configuration settings rather than a local XML file
AzureCopy is a .NET library to allow copying between local filesystem, Azure, S3, Onedrive, Sharepoint Online and Dropbox.
Settings for using Simple Logging For .net on the Azure platform.
Provides Azure ServiceBus messaging structure map configuration
Use Azure EventHubs as a message, event or command bus in CQRS.NET
This package provides a C# based durable task framework for writing long running applications.
Client library for DAS Activities
Server-side library with intuitive database, mail, and utility methods. Works well independently or in conjunction with the SmartJS JavaScript plugin library.
BrickPile is a lightweight CMS built on RavenDB and ASP.NET MVC 5
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on Azure Table Storage as the error log.
An opinionated set of coding conventions for ASP.Net development
Send BrokeredMessages to ServiceFabric Services through Service Bus. Optionally add this package to a project that will communicate to Reliable Services. Use in conjunction with ServiceFabric.ServiceBus.Services
Receive BrokeredMessages in ServiceFabric Services through Service Bus. Add this package to your Reliable Service projects. The ServiceFabric.ServiceBus.Services Class Library can be used in conjunction with ServiceFabric.ServiceBus.Clients (optional)
Transfer all your logs to the Azure Table or Blob Storage via Appender for log4net