Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Azure Configuration Manager

Total dependencies: 290

DocumentDb repository with DocumentWrap objects. Each document is wraped with special class.
Implementation of Ddd intefaces on Azure storage using streastone event sourcing
An Application Insights tracer extension for the WebJob SDK
An implementation of Helpful.CircuitBreaker.Events which writes the StorableEvent to an Azure Queue
Strongly typed config for Azure Cloud Services. Code generation of Settings: cscfg and csdef and reader
Use Azure Cosmos DB (DocumentDB) as an event store, read store and data store in CQRS.NET
Basic factory to create various azure clients through Ninject.
Formo.Cloud works like Formo, but for applications using Azure Configuration.
Web Application used to host a NuGet feed on Windows Azure Web Sites.
SeekU Azure provider for command bus, event bus, event stream storage, and snapshot storage.
The core modules required to build CloudCore-based system.
Get all Files from an Azure Storage Blob Container
Basic framework for Azure Worker Role. Uses Ninject to allow for IoC in the Worker and relies on Ninject for getting potential workers and startup tasks. Uses the Task framework to run multiple tasks inside one worker.
Azure storage synchronization tool.
Creates a basic repository classes for Azure Storage services
DICOMcloud ASP.NET Server Bootstrap