Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure

Total dependencies: 622

Server library for Stratis
Lynicon CMS core for ASP.Net MVC with ASP.Net Identity.
ASP.NET MVC integration
.NET helpers for Lucas Costa
No description.
FastTracker ASP.NET Agent. based on Skywalking, Elastic Apm, Application Insight and Jaeger.
Smart.OAuth 使用方法: (在Global.asax.cs文件Application_Start方法添加如下代码) //Web Controllers权限校验(Header或者URL或者Cookies上需要添加token参数) Smart.OAuth.SmartOAuth.InitControllerAuthorizeAttribute(GlobalFilters.Filters); //WebAPI权限校验(Header或者URL上需要添加token参数) GlobalConfiguration.Configu...
Startup system for web projects, including IHttpModule for netframework.
HubAnalytics.AspNet4 Class Library
A framework for building large scalable distributed applications with ease
Some default implementations of the Stardust interfaces
PDF can be made by simply returning return new PdfResult() in ASP.NET MVC which will show a PDF in the browser or you can use PdfBytes class to get html converted to pdf bytes . There are multiple overloads available for you to select an data object or a action other than your current o...