Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure

Total dependencies: 622

Simple and efficient JavaScript and CSS minification for ASP.NET MVC
NanoProfiler for Web Application
A package to simplify end-to-end testing for MVC and WebApi controllers while supporting legacy db schemas.
.Net Library for ease configuration and creation of HATEOAS Link.
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET providing Web Request Reuse
A helper library intended to enable rapid go-to-prod by providing early shared-key cookie based auth and Feature Toggling
HTTP handlers that transform *.less and *.coffee files into CSS and JavaScript resepectively on the fly.
Elmah Everywhere is an exception logging library for .NET, Silverlight, WPF, ASP.NET MVC, WCF, Windows Phone that uses an ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET).
TEAM's extensions to MVC and WebForms, including Single Action Controller.
Support for using the Spark view engine within a FubuMVC application.
AjaxGateway.Net - Web Application Toolkit - Mvc Runtime - 2.1.232
MicroserviceAnalytics.MVC5 Class Library
Allows you to your bundle configurations in the web.config file and handle remote files.
A library that enables automatic resolution of extensionless URLs to ASP.NET file-based handlers, e.g. ASPX pages.
Package Description
Auto document all of your WEB APIs and centralize documentation using API platform.
Provides the HttpResponseMessage.AsActionResult() extension method.