Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 4231

Helps to add more functionalities such as home route, db-migration route, system info route,... for Cloud Native .NET Core Kit.
Package Description
Compact, simple and powerful asynchronous .net standard library for events bus (also know as subscribe/publish events pattern)
The MySQL database default for NetCoreKit.Infrastructure.Mongo
Bunder is a .NET Core AspNetCore front-end asset bundling manager and rendering handler.
Service bus abstraction library
一个轻量级的RPC框架,基于NET Core 2.0 Standard 2开发
Kf.Extensions.Microsoft.Hosting are helper classes, structures and extension methods used often in KodeFoxx projects.
This library provides a wrapper of a distributed cache handler around the SerivceStackRedis library that affords the implementation built-in connection pooling.
Package to extend lazy list
Package Description
Lexim Logging Library for ASP.NET Core
A cross-platform base framework useful for all projects that use .NET.
- This project is a version for ASP Net Full Framework for creating HealthChecks, based on Xabaril AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks project.
- This project is a version for ASP Net Full Framework for creating HealthChecks, based on Xabaril AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks project.
EFSeeder is an Entity Framework utility helper to migrate and seed your DbContext. It is useful when seeding data relies on DI (for instance, a tenant context) and can be quickly configured in a standalone console app.