Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 4231

Enkadia Synexsis Utilities contains helper classes for basic Synexsis functionality
为云梦微站量身打造的防CSRF类库 1.此次更改增加对例外路径配置的支持 2.去掉用户信息 3.去掉对DataPortect的依赖 4.支持自定义Token域名设置 5.优化token缺失的错误提示方式,提高性能
BizwebSharp is a C# and .NET client library for API, and now is web store API
JapaniseTextClassifier classifies whether Japanese text contains sexual or unpleasant expressions. As of August 2019, each cloud vendor's (Azure, GCP, etc) text classification SaaS is only available in English. Therefore, JapaniseTextClassifier translates Japanese into English before classification...
Klientbibliotek for integrasjon mot Digipost REST-API.
Provides ability to use Simplify.DI as IOC container instead of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Package Description
.NET Library for communicating with the WiMOD iU880B USB (and iM880B) LoRaWAN Modem.
.NET SDK to interact with the æternity blockchain
Modular API is a Framework structure used to create an application.
MicroLogger is an API for an OpenSource Project that we call it NewsRoom
JSON RPC framework based on WebSocket for Core
Package Description
对NLog.Extensions.Logging的简单引用和封装,加入一个默认的配置文件,方便使用 封装Exceptionless
gRPC-JSON transcoder - This is a filter which allows a RESTful JSON API client to send requests to .NET web server over HTTP and get proxied to a gRPC service
A .NET Core wrapper around Bungie's Destiny 2 API.
This library exposes the native .NET implementation of Solid Instrument's inversion of control abstraction.