Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 4231

Simpliest way when making request through gigya sets of api.
MongoDb based identity framework for Asp.Net Core 2, forked from the excellent work from Matteo Fabbri
A command line tool for database migration (SQL Server) that uses raw sql.
Mail Service Using Mail Kit and MVC Core 2.X View Features
Base collection infrastructure supports .Net Framework and .Net Core 2.0
A fluentbuilder for Autofac that covers the most necessary use-cases for building the autofac-container wrapped in fluentbuilder that can also be combined with microsoft's dependencyinjection provider.
ConsoleHost library makes writing simple and testable .NET console apps easier.
An extension to the MemoryCache included in DotNet Core that allows for removing groups of items (or all items) from the cache.
A cross-platform base framework useful for all projects that use .Net Core
A cross-platform base framework useful for all projects that use .Net Core
Microsoft Application Insights Profiler for ASP.NET Core.
Kubernetes client configuration support for KubeClient
Azure specific classes and functionality, part of the Aero project
A contract based REST client and server library.