Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 4746
Integrates Simple Injector with applications that require the use of IServiceCollection for registration of framework components.
A JavaScript free Toast library for Blazor and Razor Components applications.
Quartz.NET ASP.NET Core integration; Quartz Scheduling Framework for .NET
Naming Conventions for Entity Framework Core Tables and Columns.
You shouldn't reference this - MiniProfiler's shared library for all frameworks
Hosting and startup abstractions for applications.
Extensions for the AWS SDK for .NET to integrate with .NET Core configuration and dependency injection frameworks.
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core.
In-memory cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.IMemoryCache.
Logging infrastructure default implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Windows Event Log logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
EventSource/EventListener logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Enriches Serilog events with Aspnetcore HttpContext
ServiceCollection registrations for LazyCache to initialise the dependency injection collection and add enable IAppCache to be injected into your app
An easy-to-use crypto API.
The HttpClient factory is a pattern for configuring and retrieving named HttpClients in a composable way. The HttpClient factory provides extensibility to plug in DelegatingHandlers that address cross-cutting concerns such as service location, load balancing, and reliability. The default HttpClient ...
A typed HttpClient for use with Troy Hunt's HaveIBeenPwned Pwned Passwords service:
Default implementation of dependency injection for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
Debug output logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. This logger logs messages to a debugger monitor by writing messages with System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine().
Integrates Simple Injector with applications built upon .NET Generic Host.