Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 1957

Package Description
Package Description
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Package Description
Open Weather client library. Minimal dependencies, minimal interface, complete set of data and enumerations provided by Open Weather API.
This library includes ready-to-use extension methods for Applyze ecosystem. Check other libraries dependencies if they have dependency with this library, install this.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Working with .netcore applications on Heroku, you have to manually update appsettings.json file from Heroku's Dashboard using environment variables. This package allows automatically getting all environment variables from Heroku and injects all variables (configurable) into the IConfiguration instan...
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Package Description
Biblioteca .Net Standard para gerar log em arquivo txt. Mais informações (
Package Description
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Package Description