Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 1957

Package Description
Package Description
ASP.Net Core library contain all the generic and non-generic function for SQL Server DML. All major DML tasks are accomplished.
An IConfiguration extension for enabling reuse of key-value configuration items using format characters
Package Description
Provides a Sql database wrapper that works with dependency injection
Custom configuration provider implementation that works with Hashicorp Vault.
Facilitates production and messaging for Kafka.
A simple way to add configuration using plain objects.
Package Description
Package Description
Sono crypto library
Simple Helper to work with AppSettings
Simple abstraction library to implement data access.
SharpUI is a lightweight RCL package. There are fully responsive practical components you can use to develop your blazor web applications. You can use the framework in both Server-Side and Web Assembly versions of powerful Blazor! Since the package is in first releases, already there is ...
Package Description
基于nacos-sdk-csharp 添加 自定义操作 1.自定义生成地址 2.添加.pubxml文件 3.优化本地文件存储逻辑 4.优化配置中心修改本地文件重写
Provides a MySql database wrapper that works with dependency injection
Package Description