Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CodeDOM Providers for .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn")

Total dependencies: 199

Installs Umbraco Cms in your Visual Studio ASP.NET project
OmniCX WebStore Core contains the Controllers, API SDK and Models required to run the MVC Views of the WebStore.
Package Description
BWebTemplate C# to develope Web App with B-ArtsFramework
Extensions, helpers and services for Umbraco 8 websites
A CSharpCodeMatcher which can be used to match WireMock.Net Requests using C# code.
Базовые модули для ядра на ASP.NET MVC.
Relatude Headless CMS and E-commerce solution
OmniCX SDK Core contains API SDK and Models required to run the make the api calls
Small library to dynamically compile and execute C# source code from string input at runtime. Features: * Evaluate C# Expressions * Execute code snippets with or without parameters and return values * Execute complete methods * Create and load classes * C# Scrip...
Bnsights.Mvc is RAD Helper DLL for MVC Projects in Bnsights DMCC. Also known as Bnsights Business Solutions Framework (BBSF).
Extensions, helpers and services for all Umbraco websites
Fluent.Infrastructure is an infrastructure that unites Controller, Service, Repository, Validation and automation integration testing with the aim of accelerating the development of organized systems, causing major operations become simple and quick to implement. Cache control and logic exclusion ar...
Library of standard web service functions and support
Sitemap and robots dynamic generator core classes
Enables using the Razor view engine with Nancy.
Creating 301 redirects from decommissioned URLs to currently active pages.
A fork of Cronos with a focus on being a Time Series class library.