Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CodeDOM Providers for .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn")

Total dependencies: 199

This package adds a new social media section to your Umbraco installation which allows you to authorize the website (domain) to share content to Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn. Umbraco users with the permission to share to social media can easily share any content item from the content/action men...
Web Application
Desharp - dumping, logging and exceptions rendering tests.
Compile and execute C# code at program runtime
Contains abbreviations for working with DotNetCompilerPlatform
HiNetCloud FrameworkEx
A simple edit button that shows up on the frontend when you're allready signed in to the backoffice
Test Publish NugetPacket
Core generator library used to generate C# classes for UblSharp.
Material Design Icons for Umbraco 7.11.1 and above
Contains workflow functionality to accommodate atomic design.
A Sitecore utility designed to create configurable and personalizable queries for either the Lucene or Solr search engine using Sitecore's ContentSearch API
cool nuget package