Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces

Total dependencies: 321

machine manager
Kentico Xperience v13 custom provider to enable using upsert alternative forms, so you can customize a page type with one alternative form named 'upsert'.
Microsoft Orleans hosting support for Kubernetes
Package Description
Noobot Core allows you to host your own SlackBot wrapped up in Noobot joy. Please see project website for examples.
Spreads Core library
Basic utility-level functions, mostly in support of a MVVM pattern for Desktop, Windows Store, and Windows Phone applications. Source can be found at
ASP.NET Core SignalR for App Store Connect adapters.
Base implementations and utility classes for App Store Connect adapters.
Database mapper that simplifies all kind of database communication. Currently just supports PostgreSQL.
Funcky is a functional C# library
Client implementation to support generated GraphQL query execution as queries, mutations or subscriptions.
Features: - Create proxy objects that look exactly like the original objects ⭐ Last 10 features: - feat: Updated NuGet packages. 2022-01-19 - feat: Added ContinuousIntegrationBuild. 2021-11-29 - feat: Added separate H.ProxyFactory.Remote library. 2021-11-29 - feat: Added separate H.Ipc.Core library...
Modulos.Testing is a simple library built to improve integration and unit testing. It also brings a bunch of battled proven patterns for better efficiency during testing process.
SpreadCheetah is a high-performance .NET library for generating spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel XLSX) files.
A .NET CLI-executable invoke helper
Integration with TPL Dataflow and AsyncEnumerable
Features: - Create named pipe servers that can handle multiple client connections simultaneously. - Send strongly-typed messages between clients and servers: any serializable .NET object can be sent over a pipe and will be automatically serialized/deserialized, including cyclical references and comp...
Tiny extendable logger that plugins into Microsoft.Extensions.Logging