Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces

Total dependencies: 321

A LINQ QueryProvider that uses a REST API as its data source.
HAVIT .NET Framework Extensions - Services
Core functionality API objects for ADO.Net.Client based libraries
A library to simplify mapping of cypher results onto your models
A library to simplify mapping of cypher results onto your models
An implementation of a modular approach to EF Core, allowing independent modules of an application to coexist in a single database with no crosstalk and intuitive dependencies.
MonkeyTyper is an extensible application that was created for sending bulk emails. This is the core library for all MonkeyTyper projects.
Base blocks for reading Unreal Engine 4 serialized data.
Static site generator (base interfaces)
RecursiveExtractor is able to process the following formats: ar, bzip2, deb, gzip, iso, tar, vhd, vhdx, vmdk, wim, xzip, and zip. RecursiveExtractor automatically detects the archive type and fails gracefully when attempting to process malformed content.
Combinatorial Monads for Result, Task, Linq and IAsyncEnumerable. Inspired by Scott Wlaschin and railway oriented program design principles. Uses latest features of C# to adopt new paradigms based on functional monadic design. Retains minimalist design. Easy learning and migration curve.
High performance Redis client, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage.
Package Description
Package Description
This package helps in sending Http Requests with having different clients initiated
Package Description
Relational abstractions for Byndyusoft.Data.Relational. Commonly Used Types: Byndyusoft.Data.Relational.IDbSession Byndyusoft.Data.Relational.QueryObject Byndyusoft.Data.Relational.DbSessionConsumer
Package Description