Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces

Total dependencies: 321

Elsa is a set of workflow libraries and tools that enable lean and mean workflowing capabilities in any .NET Core application. This package contains the core of Elsa. Tip: reference the `Elsa` package instead of this one.
compile time dependency injection for C#
A .NET library for decoding and encoding TIFF files.
NeinLinq provides helpful extensions for using LINQ providers such as Entity Framework that support only a minor subset of .NET functions, reusing functions, rewriting queries, even making them null-safe, and building dynamic queries using translatable predicates and selectors. To support different...
This assembly allows for creating a backend code in your ASP.NET application which would work with the designs created in Customers' Canvas web-to-print editor. You may iterate each design element, read or modify its properties, render the design to PDF or JPEG, generate new designs and do many othe...
provides System.Diagnostics listeners that send Common.Diagnostics telemetry to the Windows Event Log and to WPF text controls
Abstraction layer over YouTube's internal API. Note: this package has limited availability in Russia and Belarus.
Library of various utilities and extension methods.
Service Bus Host for Mass Transit services using RabbitMQ
UltraDES is a library for modeling, analysis and control of Discrete Event Systems.
Create Read-Only file streams from file input elements or drop targets in Blazor.
MVVM-Sidekick ============= MVVM密友 =================== A Modern light-weight MVVM framework based on RX and TPL await 轻量级MVVM框架,基于RX与 await等新技术
A .NET Standard and .NET Core Salesforce Linq query writer
Zero Allocation Text/Strcutured Logger for .NET Core, built on top of a Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
ActiveReports is a set of assemblies that enable you to create, render, print, and export reports in a .NET or .NET Core application. This package includes the core engine assemblies required to create and render pixel perfect, WYSIWYG, reports.
Provides access to the reporting tool List & Label. This package is required to connect to Redis data sources. Please note that a List & Label installation is required.
Provides access to the reporting tool List & Label. This package is required to connect to Cassandra data sources. Please note that a List & Label installation is required.
The official .NET client library for Apache Pulsar
Testing framework for setting up real dependencies as Docker containers.
Core interfaces and utilities that support the DistributedLock.* family of packages