Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs

Total dependencies: 179

Provides basic bindigs for MongoDB
WebJobs/Azure Functions trigger providing reading and writing MongoDB documents directly to your functions
An output binding for Event Grid. You can specify all necessary event details you need.
Independent open source project by Kristian Gundry Nielsen. SQL binding for azure functions using Dapper, currently only working with MS SQL Server
A custom binding for MS SQL Server which can be used in an Azure Function project.
Extension for Microsoft Azure KeyVault to work with Azure Functions and Azure Webjobs.
This package contains binding extensions for RethinkDB.
Slack extension for Azure Functions. Bot option only at the moment.
A custom binding attribute for discord bot
Azure functions http endpoint utilities.
Adds support for configuring web jobs to the hosted application by convention.
Package Description
CDS client binding for Azure Functions
This package provide [Inject] bindings for the function methods as an alternativ to constructor injection
Azure files extension for Azure functions
DOCX to PDF conversion for Micrsoft Azure Functions.
An Azure Functions binding for Postmark
Package Description
This library simplifies the task of creating Genesys Access Token for Genesys SDK in Azure Functions.
Package Description