Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs

Total dependencies: 179

Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection Implementation of DI for Azure Functions
A Serilog sink that writes events to Azure WebJob Host's TraceWriter.
A very lightweight HTTP binding extension for Azure Functions.
Binding Extension for Azure Functions to access
Credits to Copyright © 2018 - 2020 Tomasz Pęczek Made some changes to
Add the ability to run all functions concurrently. Added ExecutionConurrentException to better handle current execution exceptions. Added filtering to remove durable function SQL log entries.
Package Description
Package Description
Creates a proxy between the Azure Function request pipeline and your back-end WebAPI
Improves the Azure Functions HTTP Trigger experience by extending the infrastructure around it, allowing to define request parameters in the function signature and implementing boilerplate like exception filters and adds different authentication schemes.
The core modules required to build CloudCore-based webjobs or process libraries.
This package contains binding extensions for RabbitMQ.
Package Description
Package Description
Provides integration with Azure Function v2 via LogMagic.
This package contains binding extensions for Cosmonaut's CosmosStore for Azure Cosmos DB.
Package Description
Package Description
A simple set of attributes to help with automatically validating models sent to azure functions body
This package contains binding extensions for Twilio.