Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs

Total dependencies: 179

The purpose of this library is to help developers with dependency injection per HTTP request context. This is currently not available via the default dependency injection infrastructure. A secondary goal is provide easy access to common infrastructure services such as security, logging, etc.
SimpleMessageBus is a system for making applications more reliable and responsive to users by processing potentially long-running tasks out-of-band from the user's main workflow. It is designed to run either on-prem, or in the Microsoft Cloud, making it suitable for any application, and able to g...
Provides extensions to work with Azure Functions features.
Azure function integration for SFA.DAS.NServiceBus
Azure Functions Extension for Perper
This is an input binding for Azure Functions allowing you to validate JWT tokens for Azure Functions with a HTTP trigger.
AutofacOnFunctions let you easily use the brilliant Autofac capabilities in Azure Functions V2
Serilog extension to enable logging through serilog for Microsoft Azure WebJobs.
This package contains binding extensions for dependency injection.
This package makes dependency injections on Azure Functions easier, using ASP.NET Core dependency injection features.
This extension adds bindings for AuthTokens
Menes is a framework for hosting Web APIs with OpenAPI-based service definitions. This library provides a mechanism for hosting Menes services in-memory for testing purposes.
This extension adds bindings for Dapr
This package adds binding extensions to HTTP requests.
A simple azure functions startup trigger
Extension for Google BigQuery to work with Azure Functions and Azure Webjobs. If this package was done by Microsoft itself would be under the namespace "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.GoogleBigQuery"
Microsoft Azure WebJobs SDK EventHubs Extension
Amazon SQS extension for Azure Functions
Adriva .NET Core Worker
Tools to make instrumenting Azure WebJobs SDK apps with Application Insights easier.