Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EntityFramework

Total dependencies: 4898

NEC BaaS .NET Offline SDK
ASP.NET In-App-GUI-Tests with Internet Explorer and NUnit
Internal email services
Package contains Framework for creating applications using DDD/CQRS approach
Provides a completely admin panel into your project
Função para gerar todo o HTML de grid usando uma lista genérica
.Net Framework MVC 框架基础工具集。
Simple library for cascade bulk-insert using Entity Framework supporting MS SQL Features: - Bulk-insert EF entities, info about entities is retrieved from EF - retrieve Id from DB for identity PK using Hi/Lo algorithm - propagation id to foreign key columns - cascade bu...
Реализация абстракций уровня данных на основе EntityFramework.
HAVIT .NET Framework Extensions - Entity Framework 6 Extensions - Azure
Standard set of core libraries to enhance our EntityFramework usage.
FFVoile MapLogic for internal use
FFVoile CarnetProgression for internal use
Infrastructure module for makeITeasy.Appframework