Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EntityFramework

Total dependencies: 4898

A visualization of the entities and their relations as tracked by Db- and ObjectContext
Provides a basic generic implementation of Repository and Unit of Work patterns.
Entity Framework provider for Pragmatic.
Simple Implementation of Repository and Unit of Work patterns in Entity Framework.
AutoClutch.AutoRepo is a simple generic repository for Entity Framework 6 that can be used to save you coding time when creating a data layer.
Billing software for your SAAS business. Core library.
EF Context with injectable actions
NContext application component for Entity Framework.
Entity Framework Extensions and Helpers for all Cextensions projects in .net
Seedwork for the Infrastructure Data Application Block
Pooka.Repo.EF A simple CQRS repository
Library for integration of CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework with EntityFramework
Entity Framework 6 implementation of LoreKeeper.
Provides SimpleDAO's Repository and UnitOfWork implementations for EntityFramework. These components are meant to be used within applications using an IoC container.
TenantCore is an OWIN Middleware that it can help to resolve tenants, a multitenancy middleware, by request's hostname for example or by any resolver. You can create your own Tenant's resolver or use the default one. The tenant can have a database connection string or any property that you need.