Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EntityFramework

Total dependencies: 4898

This package provides extension methods for registering Dehydrator.EntityFramework repositories and factories in the Unity Application Block.
HubAnalytics.EF6 Class Library
Yet another identity package based on Forms Authentication. Provides granular control and code-first approach on the role permissions.
Entity Framework implementation of the extensions to .NET Identity 2.0
Generic ASP.NET MVC 5 Repository
Provide the base interfaces such as log,IOC container,data provide in the Yoopoon framework
SmartSql.Versioning.WebApi enables you to quickly expose versioned objects as a consistent web API.
caching strategies with repository pattern for EF
Convinient EF6 based Repository
Unofficial EntityFramework 6 persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Entity framework 6.x migration provider for SQLite