Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on DotNetZip

Total dependencies: 294

Clases for 1Script processes hosting
JetBrains Psi Features src Package Version 231.0.20240313.114247
A core implementation of all WakaTime C#-driven plug-ins for IDE such as Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio, Monodevelop etc
JetBrains dotMemory Core Package Version 212.0.20210603.141334-eap02
Heroius 文件格式支持 此包中的工具功能已全部移至Heroius.Extension库,仅保留文件格式的定义
Decompression and compression algorithms for compression methods commonly used in MPQ archives.
GPA Gemstone PQDIF Library
The offical Coveo C# SDK allows your software to communicate with the Coveo Cloud Platform public APIs and the Push API.
Celeste.Misc.Utils For Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project Visit Us: Age of Empires Online © Microsoft Corporation. Celeste Fan Project was created under Microsoft's Game Content Usage Rules using assets from Age of Empires Online, and it is not endorsed by or...
.NET library for creating archival package (eADM) for Polish State Archives (NES - Necessary elements of electronic documents structure).
JetBrains ReSharper Plugins ReSharperTutorials Package Version 212.0.20210603.135605-eap02
Bcfier package uploaded to NuGet
MainBrain build task library.
Capgemini Deployment for Dynamics 365 (v9 SDK) - used by package deployer to implement custom deployment logic
ForgeEngine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF/F2D, glTF/glb and Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline. this package is available for Autodesk Revit 2021.
ForgeEngine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF, glTF/glb and Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline. this package is available for Autodesk Navisworks 2021.
BimAngle Engine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF/F2D, glTF/glb and Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline. this package is available for Bentley MicroStation CE.