Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on DotNetZip

Total dependencies: 294

Biblioteca de funções
Download Fortnite's files without the Epic Games launcher.
Модуль учета рабочего времени Skrv.NuGetPackage
Zip extension for BuildCs
DotNetZip library wrapper for VirtualPath
Core Brevitee server allowing applications to self host outside of IIS. Simplifies distributed computing
Tools for programmatically interacting with command line git and TFS source control
HTTP client libraries for MSK relay server.
Simple Epub builder that will turn your html-files into an ebook
Library package for the OSBLE course management software (
Library package for the OSBLE course management software (
Windows Azure Web Sites offers customers limited disk quota for shared-instance sites. Log files for each site are stored in the site's folder, so they count against the allowed disk quota. This utlity exposes a URL via an IHttpHandler implementation. When hit, the code for this handler zips up all ...
Lightning Fast Excel Generator, a small library which allows to generate simple excel files in fast and efficient way even if you have up to million of rows (that's a limit for one Excel tab)
File copy and zip compression methods for PCLFileSet
Project contains various NLog targets
Gets Lite DB1 as a typed List to save in your database or cache or whatever your persistent storage is. Usage: List<IPRangeCountry> range = IP2LocationHandler.Download();
A zip file packaging library
Build automation for MIMS
SharpKml.Kmz Parser