Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CommonServiceLocator

Total dependencies: 573

General .NET classes and utilities.
Mir Simple Test Framework
An XActLib Assembly: code common to the whole library using only Portable Class Library references.
Features: * The package uses industry strong cryptographic algorithms for encryption, hashing and signing included in the .NET framework. * It is very easy to integrate with a Dependency Injection container like Unity, i.e. the behaviors are abstracted with a handful of simpl...
Provides MVC ModelBinder using Sharp Architecture's IRepository implementation registered with the IoC Container, a Castle Windsor MVC controller factory and Json.Net ActionResult
Basic functionality for hiding the DI Container and for defining a modular application.
This is a clean repository pattern abstraction over Entity Framework that is further layered with Unit of Work pattern. This framework helps you to write clean code which dealing with your entity querying and also allows you to add extended operations to each entity service. The major advantages wou...
Provides a FlyoutManager for managing MahApps.Metro Flyouts within the Prism framework, while maintaining separation of concerns, encapsulation and MVVM principles.
Unity Dependency Injection (DI) support for Akka.NET
Enterprise Foundation Classes
MrAdvice.MVVM is a lightweight MVVM library. It implements NotifyPropertyChanged, DependencyProperty (dependency and attached), A command binder and some threading management.
Provides MVC ModelBinder using Go2 Architecture's IRepository implementation registered with the IoC Container, a Castle Windsor MVC controller factory and Json.Net ActionResult
An inversion control abstraction system.
An XActLib assembly: a Library for common fragments of code to do with Unity
Architectural foundation for building ASP.NET MVC3 applications whit NHibernate very fast.
Provides logging, exception handling, transaction and unit of work attributes that use Castle DynamicProxy interceptors and facilities to provide AOP. Also contains SharpArchContrib component registrars for registering components required in Castle Windsor.