Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CommonServiceLocator

Total dependencies: 573

SNAP makes AOP easy by integrating with your favorite IoC container. SNAP does not modify compiled code (unlike PostSharp) . It uses your IoC container to create runtime-callable wrappers to intercept your method calls. Source code for SNAP is hosted at
a toolkit for window 10 app development.
WebSocket handler for OWIN
Implementation of CommonServiceLocator for DryIoc container, see rationale at
This package installs the Eleflex.Web core component. It containing classes for hosting an ELEFLEX web application including startup tasks and registration for object location, mapping, logging, services and security integration with ASP.NET Identity, as well as general web helper classes. ELEFLEX i...
A service locator adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Castle Windsor.
Microsoft Enterprise Library features generally assume Unity as the backing store for IoC operations. This extension allows you to use Autofac as the backing store for Microsoft Enterprise Library application blocks.
Bootstrapper for web projects
Provides and centralizes all of the authentication, api methods, and types that are available with the InstaNext platform.
Features: * The dump output is separated from the targeted dump media by the familiar TextWriter interface * The programmer can dump the value of any type of object: primitive and enum types (including those marked with FlagsAttribute), custom classes, struct-s, collections, ...
*Deprecated* as of 0.12.4-beta. Use Wyam.Less instead. Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides support for parsing Less CSS content.
No description.
Adds consistent patterns for working with Unity when using the common Core Functionality
Lanymy.Common-alpha 通用辅助类库. 序列化 ; 压缩 ; 数据流加密 ; 文件操作 ; 枚举扩展 ; 沙盒操作 ; 进程 ; 二维码 ; 反射 ; 版本 ; 流水号 ; 验证码 ; CMD命令行操作器 ; ffmpeg辅助类 ; 目前版本还在测试阶段,还不够稳定.
Package Description
FastTracker ASP.NET Agent. based on Skywalking, Elastic Apm, Application Insight and Jaeger.