Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CommonServiceLocator

Total dependencies: 573

A WPFLibrary thats makes creating WPF Project Easier Documentation will be released once the first version is complete.
A repositiory wrapper for the Entity Framework offering full unit test support through interfaced DbContext and nested unit of works for DB first and model first setups. See for installation details.
The Drill.Integration.CommonServiceLocator package contains the Drill.Integration.CommonServiceLocator assembly which is used to adapt Drill to Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.IServiceLocator interface.
DContainer is a common dependency injection adapter for the popular IoC container
Provides an Autofac-specific implementation of the Common Service Locator Api. Independently cloned and packaged. Updated as regularly as possible to maintain parity with official Autofac releases.
A Simple Domain Event framework for applications based on work by Udi Dahan
Use this to add user prompts for the Fubu Command Line.
Job scheduling library for .NET
Caramel Web Mvc
Additions to base fubu HtmlTags project
An implementation of the Common Service Locator interface using the Munq IOC Container. 3.1.5 Changes dependency to Munq.IocContainer 3.1.5 to fix Request Lifetime instance issue. All packages same version. 3.1.3 Fixes the dependency version for CommonServiceLocator 3.1.2 Implements IDis...