Top 20 NuGet owin Packages

Intercom OAuth provider for OWIN to use with ASP.NET 4.5
Health check result output for owin web project .NET Framework 4.5+. For ASP.NET Core ,please user NetCorePal.HealthCheck.AspNetCore.
FastCgi Owin integration library
Adds support to allow IRequestCultureProviders instances to be resolve during the request using Autofac container. This can be useful if the provider has external dependencies such as database connections etc that are best handled via DI
Microsoft.Owin project compiled for .NET Standard
Microsoft.Owin.Host.Listener project compiled for .NET Standard
IdentityServer3 Access Token Validation Integration Library for ASP.NET Core
Owin Middleware to handle authenticating with Azure AD
Middleware that enables an application to support WeChat/QQ OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para ASP.NET Web API Owin.
Ce package contient les assemblys satellites en français pour ASP.NET Web API Owin.
Il pacchetto contiene gli assembly satellite di ASP.NET Web API Owin per l'italiano.
このパッケージには、ASP.NET Web API Owin の日本語サテライト アセンブリが含まれています。
이 패키지에는 ASP.NET Web API Owin용 한국어 위성 어셈블리가 포함되어 있습니다.
Ten pakiet zawiera zestawy satelickie dla języka polskiego dotyczące pakietu ASP.NET Web API Owin.
Este pacote contém os assemblies satélite de Português (Brasil) do ASP.NET Web API Owin.
Этот пакет содержит русские вспомогательные сборки для ASP.NET Web API Owin.