Top 20 NuGet owin Packages

IdentityServer3 - Cache.Redis is a library that includes the implementation for client, scope, and user stores using Redis as distribuited cache system.
LightNode(as Micro REST/RPC Framework) Formatter for JSON by Jil.
Simple static file middleware for owin.
EmbedIO can use the OWIN platform in two different approach: You can use EmbedIO as OWIN server and use all OWIN framework with EmbedIO modules. or You can use OWIN Middleware into EmbedIO as a module.
Aes data protection provider for Microsoft.Owin.Security.
A library for Microsoft.Owin app with Razor views
Swagger integration for LightNode(as Micro REST/RPC Framework).
.NET based minification compilers for scss based on the NSass/libsass projects
Typescript compiler for Node Assets
Owin.IAppBuilder support for Fix, a glue for OWIN.
Asp.Net support for Fix, a glue for OWIN.
OWIN common loader sources
OWIN common builder sources
OWIN common extensions sources
.NET based coffeescript compiler based on CoffeeSharp for Node Assets
.NET based minification compilers for js/css based on the YUI compiler for Node Assets
Owin Anti-forgery Middleware
Client for accessing a REST API relayed over SignalR
Owin Middleware module for site (vkontakte). Working fine with mvc 5.