Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

A collection of simple utilities, data types, and extensibility frameworks for dependency injection (MEF), logging, caching, and serialization.
Anetta is a tool for extending Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI capabilities with annotations.
This library is used to simplify multiple Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core.
Modififed Version for AFSoltuions
Is a simple interceptors system for .Net Standard 2.0 based in decorators of Scrutor.
Lean token extensions for issuing/validating tokens, automatically creating a private key and creating password salts. This is the API project, for concrete implementations see other projects that share this projects name
Implementing the Repository pattern for use MongoDb
dotnet core autofac自动注入
Allows prism to make full use of Castle Windsor best of breed IoC
Unity client implementation for socketcluster framework in node.js
This is an SDK that helps to implement Africa's Talking APIs (SMS,Airtime,Mobile Checkout, B2C) in your Unity3D project. There are also functions that make use of the Firebase Database - a feature we are currently exploring and will like your feedback as this is still in its early stages. Feel free...
The implementation of IServiceProvider using Mef technology. This library will be available for all .Net Framework from 4.5 to Standard 2.0
NitroNet Unity package for Sitecore
NitroNet Castle Windsor package for Sitecore