Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Saraff.IoC is a container that provide lightweight dependency injection for .NET applications. It helps you split your application into a collection of loosely-coupled, highly-cohesive pieces, and then glue them back together in a flexible manner.
Unitysync.Async is a library of extension methods that lets you preform async continuations on Task/Task<T> Types. Allowing you to non-blockingly call async methods on the Unity3D main thread and continue on the Unity3D main thread when the Task/Task<T> is completed.
DI framework
Unity for Microsoft Options framework.
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Checks Dependencies in an Dynamics CRM, xRM, 365 or Dataverse solution to the target environment
A container that creates and then (optionally) stores variables to provide caching and centralized access. These sorts of containers are sometimes mis-described as IOC ("Inversion of Control") Containers. Since they do not provide any control over program flow, the accurate term is DI ("De...
An enhanced scheduler based on hangfire
An enhanced scheduler based on hangfire
Decoupling & Utilities Framework