Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

A fastest dependency injection framework,but it's a little difficult to master.
Consoleapp with dependency injection
Azure function timer with dependency injection
Feedeem event bus is a library for defining event and event handle, event bus for RabbitMQ use Windsor DI.
NetStandard2.0 and NetCoreApp2.2 Utilities for Crud API System - DAL Abstraction: should be referenced by project containing Entrity Framework Core DbContext
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Appeaser .NET Core DI extension
Provides an extended PrismApplication with additional helpers. This can assist with capturing errors and debugging. Additional helpers exist to provide better use of Platform Specifics and styling.
HttpClient (IHttpClientFactory) + Proxy implementation with Dependency injection support and as proxy-list source for .NET Standard 2.1 (netstandard2.1).
Unity for Microsoft Dependency Injection framework.
An open source set of base components to build RPG games
Data template for Autumn Framework
Data template for Autumn Framework
Logging template for Autumn Framework
Decoupling & Utilities Framework