Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

An easy to use, hassle free, Inversion of Control Container for small projects, libraries and beginners alike
Automocking container using Microsoft Unity and Moq.
Adds the latest version of structuremap and configures it as the default Dependency Resolver.
Grace.log4net provides integration classes between log4net and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
WindsorControllerFactory implementation
A Castle.Windsor dependency resolver implementation for SignalR.
Extension to XUnit that allows you to resolve test classes out of a dependency injection container.
AutoFactory Support for StructureMap
Suite of tests to check for container compatibility with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
C# library for 2D/3D geometric computing and triangle mesh processing
Startup modules for ASP.NET Core.
Dependency injection library for .NET
An opinionated application architecture framework for ASP.NET Core applications which enforces maximized code reuse, separation of concerns, dependency inversion and minimized redundancy.
Mailgun Email Sender API Wrapper for ASP.NET Core apps With this useful service you can send email through Mailgun. API Key and other params are set in the sender class constructor. Intended use is within ASP.NET Core apps using MVC; inject the service into the DI container (inside Startup.cs use ...
Use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection in mvc and webapi
Interceptor and dynamicProxy support for Castle.Windsor via AspectCore Framework.
Ninject library for ChilliSource.Cloud
IronFramework Common IOC for EntLib