Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

A simple dependency injection framework with full support for C# async/await.
Provides a hook to receive a call each time an instance is created by PocketContainer.
Enables PocketContainer to accumulate repeated registrations of the same type T and resolve them collectively using IEnumerable<T>.
Lazy injection for Unity container
Extensions to help clean up dependency injection in Azure WebJobs using SimpleInjector as a container.
Enables LightInject to be used in AspNetCore applications.
A dependency injection library with no features. The lack of features is the main feature!
Castle Windsor Quartz facility lets you easily add windsor to Quartz apps.
An interface part of Armature framework to use in the code which shouldn't depend on Armature implementation part
Implementing the Repository pattern for use MongoDb
Simple, powerful and fast expressions based Inversion of Control container for .NET as embedding-in-code package.
Adds basic combat related types for building off
Data template for Autumn Framework
Adds the notion of quests to OpenRpg
Adds the notion of items to OpenRpg
A tool for enforcing project dependency conventions - console runner
Simple, forward-compatible references to ANY Unity assembly on ANY platform.