Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

A beautiful, elegant and easy-to-use Groupbox with incredible convenience, with multiple colors in title available.
BadgeView for Xamarin.Android
The .Net Standard Key Value as a Service (KVaaS) is a library for using the online HTTP key-value store at
This provides services to handle Client/Server synchronization and conflict resolution.
This provides a client side implementation of EntityFramework using versionned entities and tracking changes
Fixed viewport image cropping library for Android with built-in support for Picasso, Glide or Universal Image Loader.
Add validation behavior to xamarin forms entry
An extension of Xamarin.Forms SearchBar control for implementing Google Places Autocomplete API
This package contains the 'DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Droid' plugin. This is not the official version. Packaging from wotzisname's github project.
This package contains the 'DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Touch' plugin. This is not the official version. Packaging from wotzisname's github project.
Standard API to track Users, Screens, Events, Timing, Exceptions, Transactions and User Feedback
Rating view for MvvmCross
MvvmCross implementation for Sticky Headers List for Android
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
Base package for Fabric Kits. Don't install it by itself unless you're creating a new kit.
A generic, portable, tested and easy to use Singleton pattern implementation for .NET, to enforce a pattern of singular instance creation