Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Brings nice support to multiple language and cultures. Documentation in the next days...
Xamarin.Android lib to show triangle view as badge
This package allow support for Serial Port in all Linux flavor Os including MacOS, iOS for .NET Core. It does implement a System.IO.Ports for Linux and iOS devices for .NET core using standard libc.
Android loading view library
Android's seekbar that contains 2 cursor (left and right). Multiple touch supported.
.NET binding for Movesense Android mdslib
.NET Standard SDK for Phantom's REST and Streaming APIs. Monitoring and control Nova, Pixel-Classic and Sushi using C#.
Persistent storage for Xamarin apps
Super Lite Android Library to select files/directories from Device Storage.
A CarouselView that can be easily customized and tweaked to your needs and works cross-platform on Android and iOS without the need for any platform specific coding.
Xamarin bindings for the Android Tensorflow Mobile libraries
UniversalSerializer is a free open-source advanced serializer for .NET and .NET Core.
Android Timeline View Library (Using RecyclerView) is simple implementation used to display view like Tracking of shipment/order, steppers etc.
Display and optionally collect user ratings for items in your Xamarin.iOS app using a custom rating image, custom scale, and an easily composible transparent background.
Binding library of de.hdodenhof.circleimageview