Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

An Android implementation of the Discrete Slider component from the Google Material Design Guidelines
Library for xamarin forms to link components to information consumed with the ConsumeAPI.Simple
Unofficial package of the Xamarin.Auth0Client client
Unofficial package of the Xamarin.Auth0Client client
A visual wall of components that supports panning and selecting a single component. Typically used to view large numbers of images.
XamJam utility component, not expected to be directly useful to most developers. This is not the code you're looking for.
Xamarin 5-star rating widget with 1/2 star increments
Xamarin (Android/iOS/Windows Store and Phone and UWP) plugin to easily allow the user to select a picture (or take one) and crop it to their satisfaction. This project depends on Xamarin Forms directly.
Xamarin plugin to model pictures. This project depends on Xamarin Forms directly.
XamJam's Nav component for model-view-based navigation in root, tabbed, and navigation page schemes (or combinations thereof).
Xamarin (Android/iOS/Windows Store and Phone and UWP) plugin to log, record exceptions, and eventually provide insightful reports (e.g. functionality-X fails under conditions Y and Z on platform P)
Library for Xamarin apps initialy created with Windows AppStudio.
TagLib# is a library to read ID3 and other metadat format from files. This is a popular metadata format for audio/video files to extract artist/title/album art. This is an implementation of TagLib# forked for forward progress using .NET Portable profiles.
Fork to support other platforms and keep it up to date. TagLib# is a library to read ID3 and other metadat format from files. This is a popular metadata format for audio/video files to extract artist/title/album art. This is an implementation of TagLib# forked for forward progress using .NET Port...
A SQLitePCL.raw plugin can be used to instruct SQLitePCL.raw to reference a different implementation of the native SQLite library than it normally would use. Install this package in your app project and call SQLite3Plugin.Init().
A material design circle the progress bar for Android.
Sharing styles in Xamarin apps.
Resize UWP, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS assets automatically.
A contentview which allows rounded edges of any size, right within Xamarin.Forms. Plus alot of extra customizations.