Top 20 NuGet XAML Packages
An extension libraries for XAML controls using attached attributes.
An extension libraries for XAML controls using attached attributes.
SkiaSharp extensions for create draws draws on XAML
A Pixel Shader library to be used in WPF's XAML.
Just add `xmlns:fx=""` to your XAML namespace definitions to use the effects.
A small helper Library to use with MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit, it allows displaying some common dialogs and returning a result similar to the old fashioned MessageBox class in WinForms.
Small project for creating property grids in wpf.
Fody plugin that converts automatic C# property into WPF DependencyProperty during build. This version is signed
Alternative F# XAML processor and utilties
Shims.Xaml lets you easily create libraries that work on WPF and Windows 10.
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Makes WPF ViewModel classes smart by default. Implements INotifyPropertyChanged and DelegateCommands for auto properties, recognises dependent properties, connects property changed handlers, triggers validation. Supports virtual properties with Entity Famework.
ProgressIndicator - imagine a progress bar on steroids. In addition to maximum/minimum/value, you can provider a target value and target label to, for example, display today's target for a budget.
RingSlice - Based heavily on the RingSlice control from WinRTXamlToolkit. This version fix...
An easy-to-use Windows Runtime API for immediate mode 2D graphics rendering.
For Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1.
CompositionHelper for UWP Composition API.
You can use Composition API by a easy way.
The hexview is a xaml-control element which receives an array of bytes and displays it as a hex-view where each byte represents two hexadecimal figures.
Controls library for Fayde.
Ready to use Windows Phone 8 barcode and QR code reader
MicroMVVM fetches the exportable ViewModels found within an application and attaches each ViewModel to the corresponding View.
Inversion of Control
MicroMVVM leverages the Dependency Injection pattern, the framework fetches Transient and Singleton exportable services and injects these interfa...
This package is only a redirect to the System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf package. System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf is the successor of this package.
A set of helpers, behaviors and extensions for building Windows Runtime XAML Business applications.