Top 20 NuGet XAML Packages
The Coding4Fun Toolkit has multiple controls and useful items such as a GzipWebClient and Audio Recorder for XAML based applications. This is the complete version which includes the network, storage wrappers, controls, and audio helper libraries.
Controls and utilities for Windows 8.1 XAML store applications.
Calendar control for Windows Phone 8.1 WinRT/XAML, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
A WPF friendly port of the tango icon theme. Scalable SVG icons have been converted into XAML. Icons are embedded as the optimized BAML format, resulting in faster loading and a much smaller file size (about 1/2 of raw XAML, and 1/3 of raw SVG). The "LazyConverter" class does lazy intialization and ...
Calendar control for Windows 8.1 WinRT/XAML, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
A dynamic ViewModel sample data generator library for .NET Universal Apps.
XamlTune has two main goals:
1 - A svg to xaml conversion library.
2 - A xaml formatter that cleans and refines xaml
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI for .NET or Mono. It's Portable Class Library. This package supports 3 engines - CocosSharp, FNA, MonoGame.
Just a simple flat, borderless WPF window with all expected behavior.
A library for easy initialization of SharpDX device/context on C#/XAML projects. Supports Windows Phone Silverlight, Windows Store and Universal projects.
XAML inspector is a utility to analyse visual issues of a running XAML app. Inspect the visual tree, monitor and edit properties, bindings, resources and events.
Custom control for toast notifications in Windows 8, Windows Phone & WPF applications. This control is similar to a toast notification but it's not. You can set duration, style, logo, text & animation of the notification.
Animations: LeftToLeft, LeftToRight, RightToLeft, RIghtToRight, Vertical, Rot...
This user control does NOT actually do anything more than display data - the user control is the View (UI) in a MVVM implementation, the ViewModel would be responsible for the actual behaviour & contents of the console\terminal window. The user control is designed to use XAML binding for all UI prop...
An MVVM toolkit that enables you to share the code and XAML files (unchanged!) between WPF and Silverlight and Windows Store Apps
Discover visual XAML tree elements in fluent LINQ way
Newport is a library providing building blocks for Windows Phone and Windows Store App development.
It offers an MVVM framework, attached properties for existing controls and a set of custom controls.
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI library. This package supports only Xenko engine.
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI for .NET or Mono. It's Portable Class Library. This package supports only CocosSharp engine.
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI for .NET or Mono. This package contains only UI Generator and Designer.
Includes Grafile sample xaml brush and drawingimage resources for WPF applications (Resource Dictionary only).
Light and dark themes for a professional look and feel.
Benefits of Grafile Image:
Save Design Time;
Save maintenance time;
Get best resolution; Same Xaml image for all DPI and Reso...