Top 20 NuGet Windows Presentation Foundation Packages

Localization library consuming LHQ localization files (*.lhq) to be used in WPF application as markup extension in xaml.
Localization library consuming LHQ localization files (*.lhq) to be used in WPF application as markup extension in xaml.
Makes developing WPF MVVM apps that target .NET Core 3.1 easier by providing a lot of the base framework. This does not add any additional files or folders to your project.
MVVM solution for efficent command definition and usage in WPF .NET (>=6) projects including a comfortable base view model
Various implementations of IValueConverter.
A clean and lightweight MVVM framework for WPF, UWP and .NET Standard inspired by MVVM Light Toolkit.
Bundle of useful classes for Wpf application using Mvvm pattern
Implements a number of things oddly missing from WPF, as well as some helpers for writing WPF apps that are not pure MVVM.
CreativeXamlToolkit is a tiny library containing custom controls for WPF & UWP application.
Small toolkit for WPF applications using MVVM pattern.
Extension of SwollenMvvmToolking.Core to integrate with Calibur.Micro framework.
The Cross-platform XAML Framework
A docking library to integrate undo/redo-able tabbed docking, floating and auto hide window management into your application in minutes.
An experimental library which enables points, sizes and rectangles to be stored in and manipulated via distinct types depending on whether they are in screen or WPF coordinate space, thus avoiding confusion and aiding readability. Also provides utility methods related to screen bounds, resolution et...
The PubSubService enables view models and other components to communicate with without having to know anything about each other besides a simple Subscription contract.
Library that simplifies the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged, as described in the July 2016 issue of MSDN magazine (
Library containing farsi controls, which has correct Right-To-Left drawing. Also contains classes to work with Jalali Dates.
A simple Accordion for WPF
Nequeo Wpf controls component