Top 20 NuGet Windows Presentation Foundation Packages

Controls for WPF.
Abstract types for WPF and UWP controls.
Range slider with formatted tooltip for wpf
Influenced by coroutines in Unity3D. Giving the ability to sequentially declare animations and other time dependent tasks.
Templates for creating WPF applications with MahApps.Metro and TinyLittleMvvm.
Link.WPF.Toolkit is a library with some WPF Controls and some Components. Controls: IPAddrBox ImageViewer PasswordTextBox Wait Mask etc. Some UI Helper: ScrollViewerHelper etc. Some Converter: EnumToDisplayName Converter etc.
Package Description
A simple library to display animated GIF images in XAML applications. Supported platforms: WPF (4.5 and later, and Core 3.x)
Package Description
A small view-model binder that employs data templates.